Anglický jazyk 16. 4.

Publikováno: 15. 4. 2020 Autor(ka): Marie Kárníková


Topic: Superlative

1) Do školního sešitu English si napište datum 16th April a nadpis Superlative/3. stupeň přídavných jmen

2) SB: 61/5a Write 10 sentences into your exercise book English


1 the youngest personin our class.

2 the oldest person in my family.

3 the most famous sportsperson in our country.

4 the largest room in myhouse flat.

5 the biggest city in our country.

6 the highest mountain in our country.

7 ... is the longest river in our country.

8 the easiest subject on our timetable.

9 the most expensive shop in our town.

10 the heaviest thing in my bag.

Pište celé věty a místo teček napište podmět věty.

3) Úkol mi pošlete emailem.




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